Reasons Why You Shouldn’t DIY Your Trademark or Copyright Registration 

When it comes to your legal protections, you can sometimes save some money by doing it yourself. However, you could also be getting yourself into a legal nightmare that could lead you straight to legal and financial challenges later. Here are just three reasons to reach out to an attorney.   


Reason #1: The Law is Too Complex to Understand at First Glance  


The law, in general, can be complex. Without the help of a qualified attorney, you might make a mistake that could jeopardize your rights. Just as it relates to intellectual property law, there are many different aspects and legal theories, and keeping track of all the details can be challenging. A qualified attorney, that handles these matters on a day-to-day basis can help you navigate the law and make sure that you are taking all the necessary steps to protect your rights.  


Reason #2: You Will Have a Better Chance at Registration With an Attorney 


There is no guarantee that your registration will be accepted and achieve federally registered status, with or without an attorney.   

The USPTO will review your application to make sure it meets all the requirements, but there is still no guarantee that it will be approved. Even if you do everything right with your application, there is still a chance that it will be rejected. There are several legal theories that can prohibit registration simply because you don’t know what you don’t know.  That's why it's essential to work with an attorney who can help you navigate the process and increase your chances of success by understanding those legal theories and how to overcome those prohibitions with their understanding and mastery of the law.   


An attorney can: 1) help you choose the right category and descriptions for your trademark or copyright application, 2) make sure your application is complete and accurate, with proper specimens and 3) respond to any objections the USPTO may have.   


Reason #3: Even If You Succeed, It Might Be Weak in Its Protection  


If you register your trademark or copyright yourself, it might be weaker than it should be in its legal protections because you forfeited some rights out of desperation. Unfortunately, this can leave you vulnerable to infringement. So, while it might be tempting to take the DIY route, it's generally best to consult a qualified attorney to ensure that your rights can be fully protected before you pay your filing fees.  


Contact Nazareth Innovative Law Today to Begin Protecting Your Intellectual Property  


Connecting with an attorney today can help safeguard your business against potential legal issues tomorrow. Contact Nazareth Innovative Law today to schedule a consultation.  


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