5 Trademark FAQs

Q: What is a trademark?  

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of either that specifically identifies the source of your goods.  

Q: What is a service mark? 

A service mark is similar to a trademark, but instead of goods, it identifies services.  

Q: Can I just file my trademark or service mark myself? 

Technically, yes. You could also represent yourself in a serious criminal matter, but it isn't in your best interest. 

Q: Once I have a trademark or service mark, no one can ever use my mark for any reason ever again, right? 

Wrong. In addition to renewal requirements, that if not completed properly and timely could reduce your enforcement rights to your mark, there are 45 international classes of trademarks that are available to register your mark in, depending on your use. This is how Dove soap and Dove candy can coexist. 

Q: What is the main advantage of federal trademark registration? 

The main advantage of a federal registration is that it creates a legal presumption of your ownership and exclusive rights of the trademark, in connection with your goods or services, and provides you with tools to protect your mark should a copycat come along.  

How can Nazareth Innovative Law assist?

We can perform a comprehensive search and review of your proposed trademark or design mark and issue an opinion letter as to the likelihood of any obstacles with a federally registered trademark.

If you decide to proceed to file your mark, Nazareth Innovative Law can assist you every step of the way with our tailored bundles and add-ons.  

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.  

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on without the advice of an attorney, tailored to your individual need. The informational context of his blog does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Nazareth Innovative Law.


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